Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tatas have not only started cheating but have taught their customer service executives at Hyderabad to abuse customers.

Tatas have not only started cheating but have taught their customer service executives at Hyderabad to abuse customers.
After repeated requests of slow and finally no browsing when I finally asked them to disconnect my connection, the customer service executive at Hyderabad abused me. On asking how dare he, he answered I overheard some others speaking.
Has abusing become a way of life at offices in India? How dare they write “Customers First” when these bunch of people do not even understand what that means.
There executives are so busy that they do not have the time to pick up their telephones. Customer Service at Hyderabad is so hard to reach and even if you reach them, they have the straight answer “Work Under Progress”.
Is there not a way to teach these people a lesson? Any suggestions welcome.


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