I have read your comments and i assume we are all in the same boat. I am a parsi, so the name Tata is pretty big and renowned in our community. But before blaming tata’s, Blame YOURSELF. We are all unfortunately Indians,(atleast i am) If someone counters that its a parsi company, id say yes but 99.9% of personel is non-parsi.Those really handling it include tons of hindus, muslims, christians, jains etc etc…basically thats not the point.The point is we indians have 0% work ethics, 0% responsiblities and 0% accountablity. You must all be fuming at what i said but i have reason to argue.
I applied for a 256 kbps connection with a fixed ip on the assurance all internet ports would be open, the executive came so fast to collect the cheque it wasnt funny, over and above he promised me a connection the next day as i had my wiring done. The tech who came the next day to install was fresh outta Jetking,”INDIA’S Premium Hardware School” He did not know his head from his tail and he was shocked to know he could not login to my account as someone had not typed in my info..lol. We waited for 7 hrs for someone was typing in my info at the other end and was actually conversing with him at the other end but to no avil…He left after that.After he left, i called up my executive and told him the same. He said he would look into it and get back to me within 10 mins..
Unfortunately the hero forgot to switch off his phone (typically dumb indian) and started talking to his colligues in how he got a 256 kbps static ip client and how he will retain him even though it will take him 2 weeks to complete the procedure.I was pretty amused at the same, seriously..:) Knowing its a typical indian fuckup, i sent an sms and email to cancel my connection.Since i assumed i knew it was indian at the other end, i did a stop payment the very next day. Today, i must have got abut 12-14 missed calls from him regarding my payment not being cleared. From my contacts inside vsnl, i found out that once the ip had been assigned it was locked for 1 yr with the registrant. It seems our typical indian hero did not inform his seniors about my disconnection, nor checked his email, nor did the support staff or customer care inform him of the same.
Now our retaining hero has to spend Rs.2000 on his own expense as my cheque has not gone through. I am pretty sure he must be calling back to assure me of the good services he can offer. Maybe if he was a lil more responsible, honest in his work, had better wotk ethics and customer relation skills…and oh yes…common sense to switch off his cell phone then he could have avoided the situation. I guess i shall play with him for the next 2 weeks and see how he would retain me
Btw…it makes no sense for you guys to send letters to support/customer care cause you have a typically dumb team of indians who would be MAYBE replying back with stupid things like clear your cache, remove your ethernet wire or the famous line “our connection is fine, please change your lan card”..hahahaha
Btw, u cannot complain to TRAI..it does not take individual complaints against ISP’s. The onyl legal recourse is you need to complaint to the consumer court in a class action suite where a group of not less than 10 should submit complaint sets as a group on common points/grounds. Consumer courts take arund 2 months to get dates compared to 5 yrs in a civil court (Therefore if u kill your tata executive, rest assured you could be hanged after 5 yrs
I will not file any suite against any isp as it does not bother me as i keep on changing them like i change clothes and also i plan to migrate very soon. I think if you pay per month, change isps and make a class action suite you guys would be better well off in this country. Till then study well and leave this place as you spoil your health with high BP
I am a graduate in commerce, MBA in IT (diploma),IGNIIT MSCD,MCSE,RHCE and am also CCNA certified. If you have any views, please post them on this blog and i shall try to reply back as soon as possible.
Thank You.